Marka maxey tahay Faktorka sababey in labada isqabta oo normalka ah ay yeelin waayaan ciyaal?
Fardowsa, 26 sano.
Haye, Fardowsa
Dhabaatada kuheysata hada waxaa loo yaqaanaa dhanka caafimaadka Infertility, taas oo 1 sano kadib guurkaada, adiga oo sameeyay sexs oo aad u isticmaalin alat KB (family plane)
Laakiin xaaskaada wali uur maqaadin.
Kadib xaaladaan labada isqabta waa in baaritaan lagu sameeyaa maxaa yeelay waxaa jira Faktoro badan oo badala natiijada uur qaadista.
Halkani waa qeyb kamid ah faktorada wax yeeleeya infertility:
1. Factors of the men (Faktor kayimaado Ninka)
Do sperm have the form, concentration and movement of great
History of infectious mumps / mumps
Trauma to the genital area
Abnormalities in the development of genitals: undescended testes
2. Disorders of ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary) is the most common cause of infertility in women, which is about 30-40 per cent. In these patients usually an interruption in the menstrual cycle.
3. Damage to or blockage in the fallopian tubes / fallopian tubes. As a result of pelvicinfection and a history of previous surgery in the pelvic area.
4.Disorders of the uterus forms: polyps, congenital disorders such as the uterus or wombtwo insulated. In case of miscarriage often occurs spontaneously.
5.Systemic disorders such as immune disorders, kidney disorders, and infectious diseases inthe genitals.
dr. Fresia Juwitasari |
Wacyi gilinteeydu waa (intrauterine insemination) Laakiin waxaa wanaagsan inaad wada tashi layeelato ama Consultation dokter qaas u ah haweenka ama (womb).
Waxaan rajeynayaa iney ku waacin doonta, Far.
Xafiiska Shabakada
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